Located approximately 90 minutes south east of Melbourne, Bass Coast covers 865sq km of rich farmland, coastal areas and townships. Wonthaggi is the civic and main commercial hub while Phillip Island and Inverloch are more tourism-focused.
Bass Coast Shire offers excellent investment opportunities and advantages as one of Victoria’s fastest growing regions while maintaining a relaxed coastal lifestyle. There are a range of private and public investment projects underway facilitating growth and indicating confidence for investing in Bass Coast.
Investment in significant projects like the Bass Coast Education and Learning Precinct, Wonthaggi Regional Hospital and Phillip Island Penguin Parade redevelopment demonstrate government commitment to cutting edge use of technology and provision of quality education, health care and tourism experiences. Such developments provide investment opportunities in ancillary businesses.
The traditional industries of agriculture and tourism are complemented by growing construction, health, education, retail and emerging technology and manufacturing sectors.
Bass Coast’s temperate climate and rainfall patterns make it a natural choice for primary production. Opportunities exist for value-adding and diversification as well as expansion into innovative, intensive horticulture.
Tourism is a major local industry with the natural environment providing a strategic advantage for Bass Coast. Bass Coast hosts over 2.4 million domestic (overnight and day trip) and international overnight visitors each year, spending an estimated $503 million (in the year ending March 2018). Bass Coast is home to Phillip Island Nature Parks and boasts many beautiful beaches, unique nature based attractions and major events such as the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix at the Phillip Island Circuit.
Key Advantages

Unique affordable lifestyle in beautiful natural surrounds.

One of Victoria’s fastest growing regional municipalities.

Proximity to Melbourne and access to key markets.
Bass Coast Shire Snapshot

Bass Coast Shire Opportunities
High-end eco-friendly development for Phillip Island
The natural attraction of Phillip Island’s South Coast could be harnessed with a unique eco-fri...
Wonthaggi North East Precinct Structure Plan (PSP)
The Wonthaggi North East Growth area has been identified as a key growth area for Bass Coast Shir...
Ancillary services Wonthaggi hospital
The Victorian Government is investing $115 million to Bass Coast Health to expand Wonthaggi Hospi...
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