Gippsland’s health sector is diverse with highly respected training and research facilities in place as well as a considerable health multi-layered infrastructure including 7 hospitals and a wide range of smaller organisations such as general practice or specialist clinics. The Gippsland health system is staffed by an exceptional range of highly skilled health professionals and is the largest industry sector in terms of number of people employed. The 2016 Census recorded 13.9% of total working residents are employed in the ‘Health Care and Social Assistance’, which offers great investment and trade opportunities.
Retirement Living
With Victoria being the national leader in the design and delivery of aged care facilities, Gippsland plays a major role through their state-of-the-art health infrastructure that actively supports retirement living. The demand for aged care and retirements living services is continuously increasing with almost 40% of current population in Gippsland being aged over 50 and an expected increase of 20% by 2026.
Currently Gippsland boasts 25 retirement villages, providing 1,125 villas that accommodates 1,462 65 years+ residents across the region, which is comprised of 40% for profit, 40% not for profit and 20% major players. Exceptional investment opportunities exist with a current undersupply of 1,000 retirement living villas, increased future demand and median house prices up to 40% cheaper than metropolitan Melbourne and the rest of the state. This combined with numerous land options to develop aged care and retirement living facilities and support from the government, make this industry sector a prosperous investment opportunity.
Health + Retirement Services Snapshot

Health + Retirement Services Opportunities
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