The Gippsland Logistics Precinct (GLP) is a unique industrial development opportunity in the heart of the Gippsland region. Latrobe City Council has had a significant long term interest and involvement in facilitating an open access intermodal freight terminal to meet the needs of our region.
The development of the Gippsland Logistics Precinct establishes a centre for the efficient and cost effective movement of freight to and from the Gippsland region.
Key Facts
Home of Gippsland’s Intermodal Freight Terminal with established significant rail siding, get direct rail access to the Port of Melbourne
High quality large scale industrial, appropriately zoned, fully serviced land.
Close to existing industry, convenient access to the Princes Freeway (M1) and only 150 kms east of Melbourne.
Potential for competitive lease arrangements for potential investors, reducing capital expenditure for start-up.
State and Federal Government funding, as well as local government and rail authorities, supporting development of the site.
70ha parcel of land
$5.36m government funding for the site
Industrial 1 zoned land
Latrobe City Snapshot

Agri/Food Snapshot

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