Latrobe City is surrounded by highly productive agriculture industries and with strong manufacturing capacity is well positioned to be the food processing centre of Gippsland. The proposed Food Manufacturing Precinct provides a high quality industrial development to cater for larger, high amenity, low density, manufacturing industries.
The precinct is adjacent to Lion Dairy, one of Australia’s largest food and beverage companies, which has been operating a processing facility located on Alexanders Road Morwell since 1997.
Click here to view the Latrobe City Food Manufacturing Precinct investment prospectus.
Key Facts
Gippsland is home to highly productive dairy, meat and vegetable production industries which have significant processing and value adding potential.
Potential for processor expansion to meet growing national and global demand for Gippsland’s quality produce.
Co-locate and collaborate with a successful food manufacturing business and access a workforce with strong agribusiness and manufacturing skills.
Close to existing industry, convenient access to the Princes Freeway (M1) and only 150 kms east of Melbourne.
Current Planning Permit, Approved Development Plan, and existing noise and amenity buffers established.
89ha parcel of land
Approved development plan, proposed 44 new industrial lots
Industrial & Commercial 1 zoned land (IN1Z)
Latrobe City Snapshot

Agri/Food Snapshot

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